Archive for April, 2012

  1. George Kontellis:
    (Physics Teacher in 3dr General Lyceum of MytileneGreece overview and the contact and sponsoring program.)
  2. Michael Kapiotas:
    (Principal of 3rd General Lyceum of Mytilene overview the sponsoring program.)
  3. Ilias Psyroukis:
    (Software development, Outreach, Data Analysis, 3D mapping, 3D modeling)
  4. Ilias Theodoridis:
    (Team Leader, Structure/Electronics/Parachute/Software development)
  5. Giorgos Chatzellis:
    (Data analysis assistant, 3D modelling assistant, 3D mapping assistant)
  6. Efstratios Tsirtsis:
    (Software development, Data analysis, 3D modelling, 3D mapping)
  7. Efstratios Makris:
    (Telecommunications assistant, Parachuting assistant, Hardware Electronics assistant)
  8. Alexandros Alamanellis:
    (Structure, Hardware, Electronics, Parachute, Software assistant)
  9. Ioannis Myrsinias:
    (Structure/ Electronics/ Telecommunications/ Outreach assistant)
  10. Myrsini Svorou:
    (Parachute assistant, Telecommunications assistant, 3D mapping assistant, Structure assistant)

Thank you very much!!!

Posted: 06/04/2012 in Uncategorized

We want to thank Mr. Anastasiadis, who offered to us a symbolic amount of money!!! He told us that with his offer he feels that he joins our effort!!! Thank you very much!!!

Θέλουμε να εκφράσουμε τις θερμές ευχαριστίες μας για τον κύριο Αναστασιάδη, ο ποίος μας πρόσφερε ένα χρηματικό ποσό, λέγοντας μας ότι με αυτόν τον τρόπο αισθάνεται ότι μετέχει και εκείνος στην προσπάθειά μας!!!